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School Nurse Page

Nurse Mary DeSilvestri


Please use this page to find any medical forms that are needed for your child and important medical information and policies for your child. Please print out your needed forms, have it completed and signed by a doctor and bring it to the school for Nurse Mary. 

Should I Send My Child in to School Today? 


  • Staying Home

    • Anyone with a fever should stay home until they have had no fever without taking fever-reducing medicine and symptoms are improving for at least 24 hours or until their doctor says it is okay to go back to school

    • Anyone who has vomited should stay home until they have had not vomited without taking medicine and symptoms are improving for at least 24 hours, or until their doctor says it is okay to go back to school

    • Children with diarrhea should stay home until the diarrhea has stopped (stools are formed).

    • Rest can help you and your child get better sooner, and it helps prevent the spread of germs.

    • Please note that based on your child's symptoms, your school nurse may determine your child must stay home for other reasons based on their professional judgement.

    • Please call your school or school nurse to let them know if your child has a confirmed diagnosis of an illness that can spread to others.

    • If your child is having difficulty breathing, call your doctor right away.

  • Avoid getting others sick 

    • Your child should follow these precautions when home sick and for the next five days after they return to school, work, and other activities, as they still may be contagious.​​

      • Practice good hygiene by covering coughs and sneezes, washing hands often, using hand sanitizer, and cleaning frequently touched surfaces.

      • If your child develops a fever or starts to feel worse after they have gone back to normal activities, they should stay home and away from others again until, for at least 24 hours, their symptoms are improving overall and they have not had a fever (and are not taking fever-reducing medicine). Then take the above additional precautions for the next 5 days.

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Tips for Staying Healthy 

  • Stay up to date on all vaccines

    • Vaccines are the best way to prevent your child from getting many illnesses and spreading them to others.

    • Many vaccines are required to attend school. Your child could be at risk for being sent home from school if they do not have the required vaccines.

    • Please talk to your child’s health care provider if you have questions about vaccinations.

  • Practice Good Hygiene

    • ​

      • Cover Your Cough: Use a tissue to cover coughs and sneezes.  If you don’t have a tissue, sneeze, or cough into your sleeve, not your hands. Teach your child to cover up their coughs too!

      • Wash Hands Often: Washing your hands with soap and water stops the spread of germs. If soap and water are not available, use hand sanitizer. You and your child should always wash hands before...

        and after...

        • coming into contact with small children

        • touching food

        • eating

        • using the bathroom

        • helping your child use the toilet

        • wiping your nose or your child’s nose

        • coughing or sneezing

        • changing a diaper


      • See a Health Care Provider Regularly: If your child has a chronic condition, they may need to see their health care provider more often. The health care provider will manage your child’s condition with a treatment plan. This can reduce your child’s symptoms and lower the chance of an emergency room visit. If you don’t have a health care provider, call 311 or the 24-hour Contact Center for NYC Health and Hospitals (H+H) at 844-NYC-4NYC to be connected to care. Care is available in NYC regardless of immigration status or ability to pay. Find a Health Center.

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Click on the name of the form to download your needed forms. 

Learn More

Click on the links to learn more about the topics listed below.



(718) 271-4971

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